2016 NZIA Award Nomination: Small Project Architecture

Aonui has just been shortlisted for a 2016 NZIA Award within the category ‘Small Project Architecture’ for our Artist’s Studio in Martinborough!

Judges will be visiting site mid-March on a jury tour and results should be out on 28 April! Watch this space!

MartinboroughArtistsStudio_2SouthElevation_2 of 7

MartinboroughArtistsStudio_5DrawbridgeDeck_5 of 7

MartinboroughArtistsStudio_KitsetDiagram_1 of 1

MartinboroughArtistsStudio_3InsideOut_3 of 7

MartinboroughArtistsStudio_4InsideWest_4 of 7